Our reason for being
To provide comfort and improved wellbeing to people of all ages through the provision of innovative and people-friendly products while minimising cross-infection and the need for medications.
Our vision
- To provide healthcare professionals with a safe and simple solution for post trauma pain and swelling.
- To empower patients to better manage their own chronic and acute conditions and lessen the impact on institutional resources.
- To minimise our environmental impact.
Our company
Medichill is the trading name of a private company formed in Australia in 1990, with a goal to develop and market a chemically activated and instant ice pack.
From humble beginnings we have progressed into a company with a strong brand recognition and loyal customer support. We offer a range of quality products ranging from ‘Cool Cube’ flexible ice pad sheets, normal hot-cold packs and instant ice packs. We consider ourselves a leader in the development of re-usable and disposable ice pad products that suit a variety of applications. Like relief of perineal pain after childbirth, cool cubes for children in schools, dental and jaw cool cubes for relief of wisdom tooth and jaw surgery pain, plus products for industry, sports clubs and of course the home. The ‘Cool Cube’ ice pads are our ‘core product’ which is FDA, CE, TGA and Medsafe NZ registered. The product is manufactured to international quality standard ISO 9001.
In 1997 the company opened its European headquarters in the UK and more recently we have opened in California USA.
The Medichill brand is registered in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand with European registration under the Madrid protocol currently underway.
Our staff includes clinical professionals as well as sports trainers who continue to work closely with health care professionals to ensure that total satisfaction for the end user is achieved. We actively seek feedback in order to continually enhance and improve the products and the service we provide.
A Commitment to the local community
Every year we select individuals, groups or organisations that we feel will benefit from the use of our ‘Cool Cube’ ice pads and donate, free of charge, enough to satisfy their needs in a given time frame. Enquire to info@medichillusa.com to see if you qualify.
We actively support junior sport across a variety of disciplines, but primarily in the higher injury risk areas, contact us today with your request for sponsorship, info@medichillusa.com
Medichill has been a sponsor of the highly respected professional organisation Sports Medicine Australia (WA) for a number of years. We have also sponsored a variety of athletes as well as mountain biking through support of the world renowned Munda Biddi Trail Foundation.
We have been an active and major sponsor of Midwifery and General Nursing Conferences in Australia since 2006.